The Spark that Ignites Humanity

Rays_of_LightAs a human race, collectively humanity, we have diligently worked to dissect the world around us; to discover the secrets of the human body, to explain the universe; to attempt to understand all that “is”.  Yet, we continuously overlook the most empirical and critical aspect of our very existence.  We avoid researching and discovering our spirit and soul.

Atheists relentlessly strive to disprove something they say does not exist.  I say, that approach perfectly illustrates the definition of “Insanity”, much like Cognitive Dissonance.  Isn’t it so much more logical and sane to expend energy working to prove something does exist?  Positive communication is always the surest confirmation of the transference of thought and ideas, yes?  And by the very nature and definition of the scientific method, it is impossible to prove the non-existence of anything; for to accomplish that feat requires tangible facts.

“As involuntary reactions like breathing, pupil dilation, sneezing, and yes, even our heartbeat, occur without thought or conscious stimulus, compassion is likewise more a verb than a noun.”

Compassion involves caring, knowing, feeling and empathy.  It is a direct result of the way each of us are “wired” as unique and The-Eye-of-God-Nebulaindividual human beings.  Profoundly, however, it is a symptom and not the cause.  Anyone who is skilled in RCA (Root Cause Analysis) troubleshooting and thought process has been taught how to appropriately, get to the root of a cause/effect relationship.

Such is the case with compassion.  But just what exactly is at the root of compassion; what makes it a symptom?

As a campfire requires an ignition source, so must compassion be preceded by some spark to ignite it.  We see, hear and feel compassion all around us on a regular basis, so much so perhaps, that we have become somewhat desensitized to the reality of its existence.

A mother comforting a crying newborn infant; a little boy helping his friend up after having fallen off his bike; a father consoling his daughter after having her heart broken by her first boyfriend; a homeowner shoveling the snow from his elderly neighbor’s driveway after a snowstorm.  Yes, compassion is all around us, if only we take the time to recognize and appreciate it, along with the people that live compassionate lives.

Fireman_CompassionWhat spark then, undeniably dwelling inside each of us, ignites these acts of compassion?  Some call it heart, some conscience, others simply refer to it as caring, and still many more recognize it as the direct result of spirit, soul and faith.  Most definitely, compassion is in and of itself, invisible and intangible; yet the impact and outcomes of its presence are astonishingly and incredibly observable.  They are in fact, Real.

As a people, or perhaps better phrased, as a people lacking faith, we become agitated, frightened, anxious and insecure when we cannot explain things that occur in our world.  As testimony, some of the most calm, self-assured, peaceful, optimistic and happy people I know are people of deep, deep faith, regardless of their financial or occupational “well-being”.  Conversely, people of violence, anger and hatred clearly emanate a decided absence of faith in their lives.

For this author, this is clearly a cause/effect scenario and relationship.  Make no mistake, God dwells inside each of us, Sunset background25however, is equally dormant and superficially unrecognizable, unless deliberately and consciously , invited to participate, influence and direct our lives.

If you seek to be happy, to possess a sense of purpose about your life, to pursue a peaceful, content and significant existence, then without question, you must welcome, nurture and practice living in faith.  What comes along for the ride is humility, inner peace, moral conviction, and oh yes, Love.  Be well today and experience the compassion of a person that walks in faith; and you will never walk alone for the remainder of your (eternal) life.

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About MW Cerkas

Compassion for People, Passion for Writing, Living my Conscience; "Look for the Good, Always" Positive, Creative, Seasoned Writer, Leader, Marketer, Authentic Spirit, Entrepreneur. Continuously seeking the GOOD in others and how to HELP them. Paying it Forward, Preparing for Eternity. Be well!

Posted on January 19, 2014, in Personal Growth, Philosophy, Science, Theology, Truths, Videos and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. As some people need coffee every morning to “wake up”, I relish reading such inspiring pieces such as yours because they wake me up in ways that nothing else on this earth can. I know your inspiration also comes from God, and so I thank you for sharing that blessing with the rest of us.


    • Thank you Kelly! I strive to share my enthusiasm & gratitude for Life in the hope of being that “match” that ignites compassion and lights the flame of spirit/soul in others. I believe each of us must awaken that energy within ourselves to become alert to the truly good and remarkable things we have been granted to experience by God. We are indeed blessed. Be well & don’t hesitate to suggest topics or content for me to write about here. Please feel free to share with others, any of my posts that impact you.


  2. Excellent perspective about compassion … and thanks for linking my post.


  3. Michael I apologize… I recd a phone call in the midst of replying to your post and accidentally “sent” the reply before I had actually completed it ! Sorry !! Judy

    Judy Sent from my iPhone


    • Judy, Thank you so much for your positive support! That means the world to me. You will be able to find this post on Facebook via my Page @ The Inspired Verse. Please Share it with Everyone you know!

      I strive to Inspire the World, one thought, one idea, one person at a time. Be well.


  4. This is by far your BEST… That I have had the pleasure of reading!! Is this posted on FB ? I have friends whom I want to share

    Judy Sent from my iPhone


    • Please watch the videos that accompany and complement my posts/articles. I strategically select each for their relevance to the topic and their ability to insightfully and effectively project the message via music.


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